Can Apologetics Go beyond Evidence for Christianity to Proof of Christianity?

Part Five of Five: Does History Prove Christianity Is True? 

(Please read my “farewell Note” below)

If spiritual seekers make a decision which of the many hundreds of competing religions is true based entirely on the evidences, they will be compelled to accept Christianity and reject all other religions. Just as the scientific method and legal reasoning demonstrate this (See parts three and four), we can establish that history also provides the same level of probability that Jesus rose from the dead in vindication of His claim to be God in human flesh and that Christianity is the only true religion.

All Christian truth-claims ultimately rest on the reliability of the Bible. What we know about the nature of God, the deity of Christ, the work of the Holy Spirit, God’s plan for salvation, promised resurrection, future new heaven and earth, and all other Christian beliefs rest squarely on the reliability of Scripture. If we cannot demonstrate the Bible’s reliability to unbelievers, many will consider Christianity to be no different than any other world religion. Its truth-claims would rest on its founders’ and followers’ subjective religious experiences and personal opinions. The demonstrated historical reliability of the Bible sets Christianity apart from all other religions.

How does historical evidence prove the Bible’s reliability? It demonstrates that in every area where Scripture can be checked out, it is proven to be trustworthy: Its textual composition is coherent; much of its historical data is verified by non-Christian sources; its fulfilled prophecies are confirmed to be accurate, and its geographical and cultural descriptions are in harmony with other ancient documents. On the other hand, when the same technique of historical investigation used to verify the Bible is applied to other religious books, the non-Christian documents are found to be spurious. Indeed, non-Christian religions are conspicuous by the absence of historical and other objective evidences. (I give examples of this in my book mentioned below.)

While ancient documents often contain reliable historical data, those that include supernatural claims, such as alleged miraculous accounts, do not have the evidential documentation for such claims as does the Bible. Consider, for example, evidence for the resurrection and life of Jesus Christ. Not only do eyewitnesses within Scripture testify to Jesus’ resurrection (e.g., 1 Cor. 15:1-8; 1 John 1:1-4), numerous non-Christian writings mention many of the highlights of Jesus’ life, ministry, and death, which are consistent with biblical revelation. (See, for example, Gary Habermas, The Historical Jesus: Ancient Evidences for the Life of Christ.)

What conclusion can we draw from this historical evidence? Since the Bible’s verifiable contents are demonstrated to be accurate and reliable, we can justifiably conclude its spiritual truth-claims are equally trustworthy, such as salvation through Jesus Christ alone, the indwelling Holy Spirit, and eternal life in Heaven for God’s people. In other words, the Bible’s spiritual truths do not stand alone. They rest on a solid foundation of verifiable historical facts. No other religious document passes the test of historical investigation as does the Bible. There are no contenders. Christianity alone attaints the highest level of certainty available in the area of historical investigation; therefore, once again, Christianity alone can legitimately claim to be religious truth.

The Ultimate Proof

This too needs to be said. Objective evidences and rational argumentation are not the ultimate “proof” of Christianity. We have a secret weapon in our arsenal no other religion possesses. Christian apologist and theologian William Lane Craig emphasized this when he wrote, “The proper ground of knowing Christianity to be true is the inner work of the Holy Spirit; and in our showing Christianity to be true [apologetics], it is His role to open the hearts of unbeliever to assent and respond to the reasons we present” (emphasis in original). (A Reasonable Faith: Answers to Tough Questions on God, Christianity, and the Bible, 315). The ultimate proof of Christianity? The inner witness of the Holy Spirit.

For further study on all the topics in this series, see my book, Defending Your Faith; Reliable Answers for a New Generation of Seekers and Skeptic (Kregel publications, 2019).

A Farewell Note: Except for my two-week Christmas breaks, I have posted a weekly blog for more than nine years. That amounts to about 450 blog posts. It’s now time for a hiatus—and perhaps even an end to this part of my apologetic ministry. So this week’s post will be my last blog, at least for now. I will occasionally share something I find particularly interesting and believe will be helpful to readers. I thank all of you who, over the years, have read my weekly blogs and encouraged me along the way with “likes” and helpful comments. I pray that God blesses all of you in your walk with Jesus and ministries.


Can Apologetics Go beyond Evidence for Christianity to Proof of Christianity?

Part Four of Five:  Can Christianity Be Proven True in a Court of Law? 

If we apply the same methodology used to determine truth in jury trials to Christianity, we can demonstrate it is true (“innocent”) and non-Christian religions are false (“guilty”). What standard does our court system use to determine the guilt or innocence of a defendant? Evidence and probability (see part two). Legal scholar and Christian apologist Dr. John Warwick Montgomery explains: “Legal reasoning operates on probabilities, not possibilities; preponderance of evidence in most civil [non-criminal] actions; evidence beyond reasonable (not beyond all) doubt in criminal matters” (emphasis in original). (Evidence for Faith; Deciding the God Question, 332). This means in criminal cases, there must be no other reasonable explanation for the crime other than the accused did it. The prosecution builds its case by presenting such an impressive and compelling amount of evidence that all other possibilities are eliminated. In short, the accused it sent to prison or even executed according to the probability of guilt.

As a legitimate way to determine whether or not Christianity is religious truth, legal reasoning is of tremendous value. Christianity is the only religion where its truth-claims can be tested by legal reasoning—that is, by evidence, especially eyewitness testimony. All other religions require their followers to accept their tenets based on the unverified claims of their founders or documents.

The authors of the New Testament were careful to note this eyewitness testimony to validate the authenticity of their writings. The Apostle Peter writes: “For we did not follow cleverly devised tales when we make known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of His majesty” (2 Peter 1:16, NASB). The Apostle John is even more specific: “What was from the beginning, what we have heard, what we have seen with our eyes, what we have looked at and touched with our hands, concerning the Word of Life . . . we have seen and testify and proclaim to you also” (1 John 1:1-3, NASB).

Another value of legal reasoning is that it demonstrates why Christian truth-claims should be considered factual. Here’s an example of this. Let’s say a person demands “absolute proof” that Jesus rose from the dead. We point out that His resurrected was a historical event and can’t be repeated. Nevertheless, we can prove it occurred in a legal sense. We do this by presenting all the eyewitness testimony and circumstantial evidence supporting the resurrection and refuting all the naturalistic theories used to argue against it. In other words, we show that the biblical explanation for the resurrection best explains the facts: The birth of the Christian church around AD 30, the empty tomb, the changed lives of the Apostle, eyewitness testimony from people who personally knew Jesus and saw Him after His resurrection, and so.

If the weight of legal evidence supports the biblical claim that Jesus Christ rose from the dead, we are justified to accept it as accurate truth in the same way we accept that people are guilty of a crime based on the overwhelming evidence marshaled against them. In both cases, we have reached the highest level of certainty available in legal reasoning. For all practicable purposes, we have reached what we can consider reliable proof of Jesus’ resurrection.

For further study, see my book, Defending Your Faith; Reliable Answers for a New Generation of Seekers and Skeptic (Kregel publications, 2019).

Next week’s blog will end this series. I’ll explain how historical investigation proves Christianity is the only true religion.


Can Apologetics Go beyond Evidence for Christianity to Proof of Christianity?

Part Three of Five: The Scientific Method Demonstrates Christianity Is Religious Truth!

Regarding the scientific method, let me say at the outset that I am not referring to the philosophy of science—scientism—that insists nothing can be considered true unless it passes through the filter of scientific testing. (By the way, this notion is a self-defeating proposition because the claim itself can’t be proven scientifically! *) Nor am I endorsing the naturalistic conclusions of secular science, such as Darwinism. But I am suggesting that the scientific method for discovering truth is the most reliable truth-test in almost all areas of knowledge.

Christian apologist and legal scholar Dr. John Warwick Montgomery explains:  “[The] empirical or scientific method is the truly valid way of approaching truth because it alone can accomplish to the satisfaction of all what the other methods  . . . cannot; not only do its results not need to be tested for error independently, but is in itself capable of determining what authority to follow and what common sense beliefs and presuppositions to hold. (The Shape of the Past: A Christian Response to Secular Philosophies and History, rev. ed., 265)

The scientific method for “approaching truth” comprises two essential ingredients: evidence and probability. As a system for discovering and confirming truth, the scientific method involves inductive reasoning; it accumulates reliable evidence that points to a general conclusion—but one established on the highest degree of probability attainable. Although probability leaves the door open for possible error, it is the closest we can come to determining truth outside of mathematics and formal logic—which, as I pointed out in Part Two, do not apply to most areas of knowledge.

If we apply the essential elements of the scientific method—inductive reasoning based on evidence and probability—to religion, we can demonstrate that Christianity is true to the highest level of certainty possible in religious knowledge. Thus, we can legitimately conclude that Christianity, as close as can be determined, is truth. Furthermore, if we apply this same truth-test—inductive reasoning based on evidence and probability—to non-Christian religions, we can demonstrate they do not have the overwhelming confirming evidences Christianity has: historical confirmation, fulfilled prophecy, eyewitness testimony, documented miracles, archaeological support, textual reliability, and so on. The probable conclusion is that non-Christians are Untrue.

Next week I’ll apply legal reasoning to Christianity and see if it can survive  a modern court trial and demonstrate itself to be “The whole truth and nothing but the truth.”

For further study of the topics in this series, see my updated and expanded edition of Defending Your Faith; Reliable Answers for a New Generation of Seekers and Skeptic (Kregel publications, 2019).


Can Apologetics Go beyond Evidence for Christianity to “Proof” of Christianity?

Part Two of Five: The Same Primary Truth-Test Used in Science, Law, and History Prove Beyond Reasonable Doubt That Christianity is Divine Truth

 There are different levels of proof relevant to some areas of knowledge but not to others. However, almost all things people consider adequately proven are based on probability. If I refuse to buy a car unless I’m absolutely certain it will not break down the moment I drive off the lot, I could never buy a car. I would never travel in an airplane if I had to be absolutely certain I will arrive safely at my destination.

Absolute certainty must be ruled out as a standard for making virtually all of life’s decisions—including religious ones. We can’t expect mathematical precision to apply to religion, just as it doesn’t apply to scientific, legal, and historical issues. When we reach the highest level of probability attainable in these particular categories, the vast majority of people believe we have realistically achieved proof in terms of practical application.

People are sent to prison based on evidence deemed to be beyond reasonable doubt—probability. We evaluate the validity of historical events based on the probable accuracy of documentation, and the same is true for everyday decisions. We judge our chances of safely crossing a busy street or that a prescribed medicine won’t harm us based entirely on the probable outcomes. In all these examples, we consider probable conclusions as essentially proof because probability is the highest level of certainty possible in these particular areas—the weight of evidence is overwhelmingly convincing.

We can tie this to religious truth-claims. Christianity can provide the same level of practical certainty for the deity and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the reliability and trustworthiness of the Bible, and other Christian truth-claims that are accepted as proof beyond reasonable doubt in scientific, legal, and historical matters. Furthermore, no other religion in the world provides this same level of proof. In this sense, we can honestly and legitimately assert that Christianity is religious truth. This will become clearer as we look at these three areas of knowledge—science, law, and history—and apply how they determine truth to Christianity.

Next week, I’ll explain how science determines truth—the scientific method—and apply it to Christianity—and demonstrate how it supports Christian truth-claims.

 Note: By joining my private blog email list, you will receive a personal email notice when I post a new blog. I do not share email addresses.

For further study, see my updated and revised edition of Defending Your Faith; Reliable Answers for a New Generation of Seekers and Skeptics (Kregel publications, 2019).


Part One of Five:  What I learned after Decades of Apologetic Studies

One of the first things I was taught after beginning my apologetic studies some thirty-five years ago was that apologetics doesn’t prove anything in the sense of absolute certainty. For example, it can’t provide unequivocal proof that Jesus Christ is God or the Bible is true. This is because religious truth-claims are not self-evidently true, as in much of mathematics (five times five can only be twenty-five) or true by definition (all husbands are married). It’s assumed that religious truth falls out of the category of irrefutable certainty. Thus, most apologists agree that apologetics consists of giving evidence that demonstrates Christian truth-claims, but not proof positive.

After decades of apologetic studies, however, I believe apologetics can prove Christianity is true in a practical sense, that is, if we use the word “proof” in the same way we do in justifying most of our beliefs and in making decisions in everyday life. The New Oxford American Dictionary (2003) defines proof as, “Evidence or argument establishing or helping to establish a fact or truth of a statement.” This is exactly what evidential apologetics does—we “establish” truth through “evidence” and rational arguments. Therefore, with this definition in mind, it’s perfectly legitimate for Christians to claim we can prove Jesus is God; the Bible is God’s revealed Word, and Christianity is the only true religion.

When skeptics demand “proof” that the Bible is authentic or Jesus is God, they often switch from accepting the kinds of proof they accept in science, law, and history to demanding mathematic-like precision. As we’ll see in this blog series, however, mathematical proof is an entirely different category of proof and cannot be applied to religion any more than it can be applied to science, legal matters, and history. This does not mean proof is impossible, only that it is not axiomatic proof as in mathematics.

Part of our apologetic task is to help unbelievers understand this. We need to point out that the same truth-tests they accept as adequate proof in science, law, history, and everyday life also prove beyond reasonable doubt that Christianity is true and other religions are false. This is the task of my current blog series.

Next week’s blog will answer the question,  Are there different Levels of proof relevant to some areas of knowledge, such as religion, but not to others, such as science or law?

For further study, see my book, Defending Your Faith; Reliable Answers for a New Generation of Seekers and Skeptic (Kregel publications, 2019).

* This blog series is adapted from an online article I wrote for the Christian Research Journal (same title), published May 13, 2020.


Part Fifteen:  Will Pets and Other Animals inhabiting the New Earth Bring Glory to God?

When all is said and done, when all the evidence that confirms our pets and other animals will join God’s People on the New Earth is analyzed, it hinges totally on the selfless, astonishing, miraculous work of Jesus Christ. As we saw in Part Ten, animals are not fallen but “cursed” due to human sin—the “Fall.” They do not need a Savior, as does Humanity. Nevertheless, if animals are blessed with eternal resurrected bodies, it too will depend entirely on the redeeming work of Jesus Christ for the glory of God (see Part Ten). The Apostle Paul also wrote that Jesus reconciled “all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood shed on the cross” (Emphasis mine; Col. 1:20).

When Jesus returns to Earth at the end of this age to establish His Eternal Kingdom, His work of redemption will encompass the whole of creation (see Part Ten). Heaven and Earth will become one, and nature’s curse will be removed forever (Rev. 22:3). This heavenly New Earth will be the old earth redeemed, renewed, and restored to its original, unspoiled, uncorrupted, pristine state—as God created it to be. The late theologian Anthony Hoekema said it well: “The work of Christ . . . is not just to save certain individuals, not even to save an innumerable throng of blood-bought people. The total work of Christ is nothing less than to redeem this entire creation from the effects of sin. That purpose will not be accomplished until God has ushered in the new earth, until Paradise Lost has become Paradise Regained.” (Quoted in Randy Alcorn, Heaven, 104)

I’m confident the pets we loved and enjoyed in this life and who served us faithfully, the Wild animals that make the wilderness wild, and the domesticated animals, whose suffering the human race is often responsible for (see Part Nine), will spend eternity with God’s people on the redeemed New Earth. None of this would happen unless it brings Glory to God who Created and finds joy in them (see, for example, Psalms, 50: 10-11, 104: 24-31).

For people like me, who relish walks in the wilderness with dog companions, who are thrilled to observe nature’s wild inhabitants, who dream of the day when we can scratch between the ears of lions and wolves, nap in the shadow of grizzly bears, race across meadows with deer and antelope, and perhaps even soar into the heights with eagles and hawks—such a future promise of a New Earth is indescribably exciting to anticipate. I, for one, look forward to it with eager anticipation!

This concludes my blog series on “What Does the Bible Say about Pets and Wild Animals in Heaven?”  If you found it encouraging, helpful, and fun to read, I hope you’ll consider my more in-depth study in my book Will Dogs Chase Cats in Heaven? People, Pets, and Wild Animals in the Afterlife.

Next week I’ll begin a new, five-part blog series based on an article I wrote for the Christian Research Journal in 2020. It answers in the affirmative—and explains how—apologetics can go beyond evidence for Christianity to proof of Christianity.


Part Fourteen:   Will Insects, Frogs, and Snakes Inhabit the New Earth Alongside Pets and Wild Animals?

After sharing my belief in a Bible study that pets and other animals will inhabit Heaven, someone asked me if mosquitos would also be there? It was a good question and not the first time I’ve been asked if simple creatures will be in Heaven? Where does God draw the line? Will just pets be in Heaven? Will only mammals be resurrected? What about birds and reptiles? And the most unlikely candidates of all, what about the trillions of insects, spiders, and bugs that have already lived and died on Earth? Will they be on the New Earth?                     (Continued after photo below)

Let me say from the start; I don’t know! I can’t make a compelling biblical case for whether or not less sentient creatures will inhabit the New Earth as I’ve done for pets and other sentient animals. C.S. Lewis rejects the idea. He believes “higher” animals will inhabit Heaven (and pets are the example he gives), but non-sentient creatures won’t. Personally, I think there are reasons to believe they may, and below are a few things for readers to ponder.

First, we need to understand that the assumption only sentient animals will inhabit the New Earth is based entirely on human conjecture—not on what may or may not be God’s decision. Only God knows if the lower classifications of animals will dwell there. Doubters need to understand that the fate of insects, spiders, fish, amphibians, and other barely sentient creatures is not determined by people’s opinions but by God. He can certainly grant even the simplest animals eternal life in the age to come.

Second, the only qualification for animals to survive physical death is that they have a soul. The Bible doesn’t restrict what kinds of animals possess souls; it only teaches that animals have souls (see parts five and six). “All living animals have souls if they have organic life,” explains theologian and scholar J. P. Moreland, “regardless of the degree to which they are conscious”  (The Soul: How We Know It’s Real and Why It Matters, 142).

Since possessing a soul is essential for life after death, including resurrection, and all animals have souls, I see no biblical reason why all earthly animals, including non-sentient creatures, wouldn’t inhabit Heaven—whether resurrected or recreated. The prophet Hosea speaks of a future covenant that God will make with restored Israel in the Messianic Age (the new Heaven and a New Earth; Isa. 65:17-25). It will include “beasts of the field” and “birds of the sky” and “the creeping things of the ground” (Hos. 2:18). Animals creeping on the ground are primarily reptiles, amphibians, insects, and bugs!

My last response to the assumption that less complex creatures will not dwell on the New Earth is this: God may grant non-sentient animals eternal life for His good pleasure—and for the pleasure they will bring His people. It’s hard to imagine a redeemed and restored New Earth without butterflies and ladybugs gracing flowers; frogs croaking from ponds while damselflies hovering above them; lizards basking on sun-soaked rocks; and the countless other simple creatures that add beauty and harmony to nature and delight humans of all ages.

Next week’s blog post will conclude this series. I’ll answer the question, “Will pets and wild animals inhabiting New Earth Bring Glory to God?”  This is the most compelling reason why God’s people can be confident that our pets and other animals will join us in the New Earth.


Part Thirteen:  What Will the Relationship Between Humans and Animals Be Like in the New Heaven and Earth?

Hanging on my study wall is a reproduction of a Native American painting of the “Peaceable Kingdom” (derived from Isaiah 11:6-9). In the Isaiah passage (below), children live safely among wolves, lions, bears, poisonous snakes, and other dangerous animals. The message is the same in my painting, but the scene is entirely different. The background is barren southwest desert. The animals include a bison, deer, peccary, Gila Monster, armadillo, skunk, rattlesnake, jackrabbit, porcupine, mountain lion, and other animals indigenous to the American Southwest. All of the animals are huddled around a Navaho child hugging a coyote. The coyote is cuddling a lamb.

Here’s what the passage says: (continued below photo)

In that day the wolf and the lamb will live together; the leopard and the goat will be at peace. Calves and yearlings will be safe among lions, and a little child will lead them all. The cattle will graze among bears. Cubs and calves will lie down together. And lions will eat grass as the livestock do. Babies will crawl safely among poisonous snakes. Yes, a little child will put its hand in a nest of deadly snakes and pull it out unharmed. Nothing will hurt or destroy in all my holy mountain. And as the waters fill the sea, so the Earth will be filled with people who know the Lord. (Isa. 11:6-9—NLT).

Its possible Isaiah had an image of Eden in mind when he penned this passage (see Isa. 51:3). He wrote it some six centuries before the birth of Christ, and it eloquently reveals one of the most incredible yet wonderful features of the future Messianic Kingdom. More than any other passage in Scripture, it provides a tantalizing glimpse of what the relationship between humans and the animal kingdom will be like in the New Earth and the relationship that will exist among animals themselves.

The Isaiah passage adds additional confirmation that earthly animals will one day dwell in Heaven. Furthermore, since the Peaceable Kingdom is a fundamental feature of the New Earth, it clearly shows that animals on Earth today will be of the same varieties that populate the New Earth. There is no reason why this will not include pets (see part eight).

What is also striking about the Isaiah passage is the incredible transformation that will occur for humans and domestic animals to live peacefully with wild predators and poisonous snakes. It reveals that dangerous animals will become harmless to people, and there will be reconciliation between wild and domestic animals and between predators and prey. Indeed, the phrase “Peaceable Kingdom” perfectly describes the New Earth awaiting God’s people, their pets, and “wild” animals in the Age to come.

Next week’s blog will explore the most controversial question yet: Will insects, toads, snakes, and other less-sentient creatures also inhabit the New Earth?



Part Twelve:  If Animals Inhabit the Prophesied New Earth (i.e., Heaven), What Might It Be Like?

Up to this point, my goal has been to demonstrate that (at least) sentient animals possess an immaterial dimension to their being—a soul—and therefore, we have every reason to believe God will bless them with immortality. What remains to be answered in this series are three things: (1) If earth-bound animals inhabit the new Heaven and earth—Isa. 65:17; Rev. 21:1—what may such a heavenly place be like? (2) What will our relationship with pets and other animals be like? (3) And, most controversial, will this New Earth include non-sentient creatures?  (continued below photo)

Before we get started, I need to remind readers that the Bible doesn’t give us all the information we may wish concerning what it will be like in Heaven. Instead, it’s more like the trailer to a movie—a stirring glimpse of what the full feature will reveal, a partial unfolding of the rose, but not the entire blossom. Still, there is enough information about Heaven in Holy Scripture to allow some reasonable conclusions about animal life that I believe to be sensible.

I’ll expand on this in my last blog post in this series (Part Sixteen), but for now, I want to share Randy Alcorn’s creative imagination of what people and animals will experience in the new Heaven and earth:

The pure air of Heaven filled his lungs. He saw horses and deer and dogs and cats and rabbits and squirrels and badgers and hedgehogs. Until now he’d never thought of animals celebrating or lost in joy, but that’s exactly the impression he got when seeing them run and frolic and play with each other and with people. He saw trees that cast light instead of shadows. Some of them hung heavy with citrus fruits, picked and eaten freely by passersby. . . .

The best parts of that other world, he realized, had been but sneak previews of this one. . . .

       Compared to what he now beheld, the world he’s come from was a land of shadows, colorless and two-dimensional. This place was fresh and captivating, resonating with color and beauty. He could not only see and hear it, but feel and smell and taste it. Every hillside, every mountain, every waterfall, every frolicking animal in the fields seems to beckon him to come join them, to come from the outside and plunge  into the inside. This whole world had the feel of cool water on a blistering August afternoon. The light beckoned him to dive in with abandon, to come join the great adventure (Safely Home, 376).  

 Who would not wish for Heaven to be as Alcorn describes it? But is it a realistic portrayal? Will humans run, frolic, and play with horses, deer, dogs and cats, badgers, and other wild and domesticated animals? How does Alcorn’s description of Heaven measure against biblical revelation? I believe the remaining articles in this series will reveal that it may well be a reflection, and I, for one, look forward to joining the “great adventure” in the age to come. (I give much more details of what the “New Earth” may look like in my book, Will Dogs Chase Cats in Heaven; People, Pets, and Wild Animals in the Afterlife.)

Next week’s blog will explore what the relationship between God’s people and the animal kingdom may be like in Heaven.